Obertec Limited

Obertec Limited Service

About Obertec Limited

Spray washing, vibro-washing and wheelabrating. Obertec Limited provides wide variety of quality services directly related to metal and parts finishing. Your parts leave our facilities clean, dry, rust protected, packed, labelled and ready for your customer. Our basic set of services include: Dry Blasting and Peening Services Shot Peening Almen Testing Gauging Washing/Rinsing/Drying Rust Inhibiting Dry Deburring Fine Finishing Vibratory Peening De-rusting Assembly Sorting Labeling Packaging

Company: Obertec Limited
Business Activity: Service
Address: 5329 Maingate Dr.
L4W 1G6
Phone: 905-625-9955
FAX: 905-625-5261

Obertec Limited

About Obertec Limited

Spray washing, vibro-washing and wheelabrating. Obertec Limited provides wide variety of quality services directly related to metal and parts finishing. Your parts leave our facilities clean, dry, rust protected, packed, labelled and ready for your customer. Our basic set of services include: Dry Blasting and Peening Services Shot Peening Almen Testing Gauging Washing/Rinsing/Drying Rust Inhibiting Dry Deburring Fine Finishing Vibratory Peening De-rusting Assembly Sorting Labeling Packaging

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